Anthroholic would constantly talk about her money issues, how long it takes her bank for a credit to show up, how payroll isn't paying her on time yadda yadda. She would requests for CP's from people, but bail out in the end saying she has no money to pay. But on the other hand, going off and buying all things Anthro and posting it on her blog.
i never understood why people never confronted her about not paying up. People need to know the kind of person she is, and so this blog was born. There are no personal attacks, but just stating the experiences of the people who were wronged by her. Upon the launch of this blog, she came forward, apologized and paid up. Then she ran off behind her frilly blog and started offering her personal shopping services.
And you'd think this blog would serve as a lesson to her, but nooooo....there she goes again, ripping people off their hard earned money and using the same old excuses - emails lost (really? Like how?), UPS error, Anthro shipped wrong item/damaged item (Perhaps Anthro should reevaluate their employee's performance if this is happening so frequently according to Anthroholic) etc. This is all finally coming out.
So what does Kim do? She issues a public apology on her blog. Yeah whatever, it's always the "serious family issues" that has been ongoing for the past 2 years. And her response to this blog?

LOL for real. A year later and Anthroholic still has people's money, and we are the weirdos. Go figure.

i'd really like to know how she "made it right".

wow- I can't say I am shocked though. I own a small jewelry business and have been trying since April to initiate a giveaway on her site. She would answer some emails, not answer others and then tell me she never received them. FInally scheduled the giveaway for June 8th....I went on to check it out that day and there was a giveaway for OTHER jewelry- NOT mine! I sent her a very nice email asking what went reply. Send another email a few weeks later. At this point I am feeling like she just doesn't want to do business with me and I am starting to get the 'hint' but thought I would ask once more. She again said she never received my past email and that that she was sorry that the giveaway didn't go up but she wanted to schedule another time to do it- would check her schedule and get back to me. She acted annoyed with me rather than super apologetic (as she SHOULD have been). So I waited and waited for her to schedule me in and email me back....nothing....emailed her.....nothing. By this time it was august (and we had started this all in APRIL) and I had had enough. Her blog was my fav and I read it daily but I deleted it. Flash forward to a week ago when I decided she must just have my emails going to junk by accident, and I would give it one last college try. This time I emailed and said "You had he slated for June 8th and instead ran someone else. SHould I just take the hint and be on my merry way?". She actually responded and said (in a way that clearly indicated she didn't think she had done anything wrong) that she was sorry it didn't go up but that she had been so busy and sometimes she has giveaways go up when others should but that she still wanted to do the giveaway. She AGAIN said she would check her schedule and get back to me. Yeah....uh huh. I was DONE. Why would she not just check her schedule and give me a time slot right then and there?? WHY?? Well- then the crap hit the fan. Now I am reading all these accounts of people out money? WOW, I was just thinking she was very disorganized. I had no idea it was a full on scam. I loved Kim's blog! Damn!
ReplyDeleteI just want everyone here to know that I contacted Kim via e-mail today, she responded to me very quickly, and issued me a refund via PayPal within the hour.
ReplyDeleteShe is trying to make things right with everyone, and in light of how big this whole thing seems to be, that is commendable.
I don't know if she's trying to make things right so much as save her own skin. She could be facing criminal charges, both state and federal. It's good that she's at least trying, but I wouldn't go so far as to commend her for it.
ReplyDeleteI strongly suggested that anyone who has been affected by this reports it to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Centre.
I was not personally affected by this, but did read her blog in the past, and have read all the evidence for this on the internet.
This strikes me as consistent, repeated, and intentional behavior. It is criminal and it does need reported. People may have personally received refunds now, but are you happy with the fact that if it goes unreported she could very well repeat this scam to some other unsuspecting group of people??
Please report it.
My husband and I own our own photography business here in Seattle. When we found out our friend was getting married in Chicago, I decided to take this opportunity to meet the famous Anthro blogger in person. I emailed Kim and she agreed to meet with me. She also said she would blog about my photos and was very excited. We agreed to exchange services over email and set up Labor Day to meet. Yes, this was just this past Labor day. We spend two hours with her around Bucktown in Chicago taking photos of her. After we got home the following week (Sept. 11th) I started to edit her photos. On Monday Sept. 12th she facebooks me saying that she’s excited to get the photos. Then comes Sept. 13th..when all of this came out it seems. I delivered her photos last night (Sept 14th) and she emails me afterward to let me know that she’s taking her blog down. I know I know..I should have seen it but I was knee deep in work. I thought it would have been courteous for her to let me know this beforehand. Now…she has my photos (all 80 or so) and we have nothing to show for it. My husband and I spent hours after work editing them to perfection and we believe she took advantage of us. Knowing for a day or so that she can’t post our photos, she still didn’t warn us. We would have loved to blog about her pics as well because they turned out gorgeous but now we don’t even want to associate our business with her except for what's on our home page ( that we decided to keep up because normal clients would not know who she is...hopefully.
ReplyDeleteYou have a great photography portfolio Cindi, i'm sorry you had been taken advantage of by her. i know how time consuming the whole process is, between taking pics and editing them.
ReplyDeleteHa! Grifters gonna Grift. That's hilarious. I haven't had any dealings with this woman. I just started reading the blog yesterday in fact and then read the expose on Glad I never dealt with her. Seriously though either use Ebay, or call the customer support line, they'll find something if it's in a store and ship it for free, screw paying a fee for some BS service. Hope you all get your money back and soon!
ReplyDeleteI just reported my own awful debaucle with Kim to the FBI. I encourage others to follow suit, even if they were refunded their money.