Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A bone is still a bone

Which reminds me...for all of you who entered her contest, did you ever get your refund? Wasn't it like 5 bucks or something?

Speaking of which, since she mentioned the IRS in that above post, i wonder if she ever reported her "finder's fee" income on her 1040.

If you filed a paypal claim dispute against Anthroholic, you do not need to close your dispute in order for her to issue to refund. Oh and make sure you get your finder's fee back too :)


  1. Is Anthroholic in serious debt or something? For the life of me, I can't understand why someone would do this and take money from people. So lame!

  2. I bought a shirt from one of her blog sales, it came and was awful, old and too short, she had a return policy and i mailed it back within the time frame, contacted her and requested the refund, although my tracking said it was delivered, I never got my refund, she insisted she sent it via paypal and claimed my paypal was broken. She was such a respected blogger I never pursued it because I assumed it was a problem on my side

  3. Wow, I googled her and was saddened by what I found. She has been in significant debt for quite some time, and as a result has very poor credit. It seems like although she may not have intended for things to get this out of hand, she has a very serious problem and for whatever reason couldn't control it. I hope she gets the help she needs, both financially and psychologically.

  4. Since the link is down I have to ask....she seriously had a contest where you had to give money?! I've never gotten anything from Kim but always was amazed at all her buys. This whole situation is terrible, and I feel so sorry for anyone who was duped by her. It's disgusting.

  5. To enter her contest, readers had to pay $5 per entry, up to a maximum of 5 entries (or $25).

  6. What was the prize for this contest?

  7. Gift cards. Grand prize was $1000 and so forth. Supposedly all the money she collected were going towards the gift cards. *shrug*

  8. I strongly suggested that anyone who has been affected by this reports it to the FBI Internet Crime Complaint Centre.

    I was not personally affected by this, but did read her blog in the past, and have read all the evidence for this on the internet.

    This strikes me as consistent, repeated, and intentional behavior. It is criminal and it does need reported. People may have personally received refunds now, but are you happy with the fact that if it goes unreported she could very well repeat this scam to some other unsuspecting group of people??

    Please report it.

  9. Gabrielle - i couldn't agree with you more 100%. i am not a victim of anthroholic, but this blog served as a voice of those who used to be.

    People should not feel content by her just refunding the money. She blatantly lied and stole from people and needs to suffer the consequences from her actions. Especially those who took the time to outline their experiences on their blog or other people's blogs, it takes just as much time to alert the authorities of your situation and let the law handle it.

    i can only do so much by warning people about it a year ago, unfortunately i don't belong to a blog community and wasn't able to stop her from doing what she did.

  10. i deleted the photographer's comment. Everyone heard you, no need to go around posting the same thing on 10,000 different blogs. Enough of milking the situation and promoting your site from this whole ordeal.

  11. I believe this is the very same reason why people felt like they could not come out due to Kim's wrong doings. Truth is out there, ultimately this is your blog but this is another example of people being put under hot water for voicing their experience. I am also a fellow photographer and can totally understand where the original photographer was coming from. It's not a way to promote a business by saying "HEY I GOT SCAMMED". Believe me, it's not what we want our future clients to see. The truth needs to be told whether Kim scammed people for their money or for their service. You're probably just as judgmental as any of the other girls who were on Kim's side on her blog that forced the victims to stay quiet.

  12. if you google berlyb33, her screen name on many debt collection forums, you will see that she is 30k in debt. Tht's in addition to all of the lies.
